Unlike other cryptocurrencies, Game Protocol puts an emphasis on quick transactions, so waiting for payment approval won’t take gamers out of the gaming experience.
Michael Halimi是Gamytech集团的创始合伙人,也是Makor资本的创始合伙人和CEO。Makor资本是一个全球性的证券商,在巴黎,纽约,伦敦,日内瓦都设有办事处。在创立Makor资本之前,他为Cantor Fitzgerald公司工作过了14年,他为其创建立了利率衍生品交易平台,并于2007年被任命为高级董事经理。Michael是一个天生的领导者,他对他工作的项目锲而不舍,直至成功。凭借他20年的金融市场的经验,雄心和专业知识,Halimi先生在全球各类市场上取得了成功。
Michael Halimi
Avi Bouhadana
Avi Bouhadana是GamyTech集团的创始合伙人,也是Makor证券的创始人之一。此前,他是Cantor Fitzgerald公司的合伙人,主管全球特殊事件和套利交易,并最终在2007年升任高级董事总经理。Bouhadana先生拥有超过二十年的资本市场经验,他的工作态度和动力使他在在金融业取得巨大的成功。
Joseph Borg博士是一位倡导者,目前担任的WH Partners的高级顾问。他主要是业务领域包括游戏,区块链,电子竞技,企业,IT,电信和知识产权法。他还在马耳他大学讲授博彩法。Joseph曾担任马耳他IT法律协会(MITLA)的秘书长超过3年。他目前是Bitmalta的联合创始人和副总裁,Bitmalta是一个非盈利性组织,其使命是在马耳他促进和推动区块链技术和加密货币。
Tal Ron是一个非常有经验的游戏业律师,专注于给游戏开发人员和公司提供法律解决方案。他从海法法学院大学毕业,于2000年赢得法律阿拉丁奖学部法律与技术最佳论文奖。他有海法大学的计算机学士学位和巴伊兰大学的计算机硕士学问。他曾在有名的律师事务Gornitzky& Co工作过。他在海法大学法学院担任兼职讲师,讲授一门对三四年级本科生开放的艺术和娱乐法的选修课,他也在Open University讲授一门房地产投资的课程。
作为GamyTech的首席技术官,Moshe领导设计和生产了* X个游戏,其中包括世界著名的Backgammon For Money游戏。他对网络游戏的热情和创新的规划方法,为他在游戏世界赢得声誉。他有软件工程的学士学位,他在世界各地讲学,引导年轻工程师,帮助建立下一代的软件开发者。与此相结合,Moshe致力于分分布式自主游戏的全球合作和发布。
The first round of our fundraiser ICO has ended! We want to thank all of our backers and fans for their continuous support. If you’d like to invest in this unique project, the second fundraiser round is starting shortly.
Take part in the creation of a next generation video game ecosystem and token. Game Protocol is going to take the $91 Billion video game market by storm! Join us & revolutionize the video game industry forever.
Take part in the creation of a next generation video game ecosystem and token. Game Protocol is going to take the $91 Billion video game market by storm! Join us & revolutionize the video game industry forever.
The first round of our fundraiser ICO has ended! We want to thank all of our backers and fans for their continuous support. If you’d like to invest in this unique project, the second fundraiser round is starting shortly.
The first round of our fundraiser ICO has ended! We want to thank all of our backers and fans for their continuous support. If you’d like to invest in this unique project, the second fundraiser round is starting shortly.
The first round of our fundraiser ICO has ended! We want to thank all of our backers and fans for their continuous support. If you’d like to invest in this unique project, the second fundraiser round is starting shortly.
Take part in the creation of a next generation video game ecosystem and token. Game Protocol is going to take the $91 Billion video game market by storm! Join us & revolutionize the video game industry forever.
The first round of our fundraiser ICO has ended! We want to thank all of our backers and fans for their continuous support. If you’d like to invest in this unique project, the second fundraiser round is starting shortly.
Thank you for participating in our Token Sale. With your help we will develop a truly amazing video game ecosystem & token. Thank you for helping us revolutionize the video game industry. Follow us on social media for updates regarding Game Protocol!