Recent Updates #1

A lot has happened in this past month. We were lucky to go to 3 amazing events that took place in NYC, LA, & Kiev, where the blockchain community got very excited about our project.

Crypto Invest Summit - Los Angeles:

We are more than thankful to the people who attended the Crypto Invest Summit in Los Angeles and came to meet us at our booth. We were lucky to meet with 2,000 people involved in the cryptocurrency industry and we managed to talk with key leaders in the blockchain business. Finally, our CEO, Jonathan Swerdlow participated in an exciting panel: “Token and Blockchain in Gaming”.

Crypto Games Conference - Kiev: 

On May 11th some of our staff flew to Kiev for the Crypto Gaming conference where we met amazing game developers who were also very excited about our project. Thank you to the indie game developers for their warm support and valuable feedback.

Consensus 2018 - New York:

And last but not least, the Consensus event in New York City was the highlight of the month. We had such a great time and it was an excellent opportunity for us to share with you all info about our Token Sale. We organised an exclusive dinner with unique influencers from the blockchain industry. It was a notable opportunity for us to discuss our future projects with key insiders.

Stay tuned with our Token Sale opening, following us on Telegram here.

Looking forward to meeting you again soon,

