How the gaming community will better indie gaming

One of the bigger issues video game developers face is the actual length of finishing a project. Many indie projects are plagued with a multitude of delays until a game is released.

The highest earning indie game; Fez was no different. It was delayed multiple times and was eventually released 5 years after development began. Mighty No. 9 was another highly anticipated indie game with an impressive and experienced director, Keiji Inafune. Keiji was a former Capcom director. Despite having a highly experienced team, Mighty No. 9 was delayed several times and was released a year after the initial launch date.

The reason for such delays in indie gaming is obvious. Many indie game development teams are limited in manpower and of course money and other resources. These limitations can delay an indie game’s release for years.

Game Protocol does offer a solution to these issues. Besides our crowdfunding platform GameStarter, We at Game Protocol also strive to connect fans to game developers, and other game developers with each other. In our community, we hope to connect different game developers together in order to inspire and even possibly to assist each other with projects.

Game Protocol’s community will host many different game developers of many different skills. This will create a video game freelance marketplace.

Let’s say that your RPG’s design, coding and artwork is spotless and you only need a writer to create a back story and dialog in order to finalize your game. Simply search the community for RPG writers, see and verify their work and if things look good, let him or her join the team.

You can choose to either pay a flat freelance fee via Game Protocol Tokens and smart contracts, therefore guaranteeing that the freelancer will be compensated for his work or you can choose to offer a percentage of sales profit also guaranteed via smart contracts.

We hope that this aspect of Game Protocol will improve the quality of indie games and make sure that more projects are released.
