Accomplished Crypto-Marketers Join Game Protocol

Two highly successful cryptocurrency marketers have joined the Game Protocol staff. This will undoubtedly push Game Protocol closer to its hard-cap goal, and help spread the popularity of Game Protocol.  The two are Ori Levi from Block51 & Yuval from 8HOOK.

Ori Levi is the CEO of Block51. Under his guidance, he led the marketing efforts of many highly successful token sales. Amongst the projects he has assisted with marketing were: Gladius,, and Ori has over 10 years’ experience in SEO, PR and content marketing with a strong background in cryptocurrencies as well.

 “I’m absolutely thrilled to be involved in a project as unique as Game Protocol. I’m sure that together we can create a real future for blockchain based gaming” Ori stated earlier this week.

Yuval Man is the Co-founder of 8HOOK, a marketing agency for Blockchain based startups. He has assisted with many successful token sales as well.  He purchased his first bitcoin back in 2012, and has been involved in the crypto-space ever since. Yuval has also been involved in the world of digital marketing since 2013 and is known as a “PPC wizard”.

“Game Protocol is an amazing project to be involved with. I’m glad to be part of the team & will work my hardest to reach its goals” Yuval was quoted stating.

By combining both of their efforts, Game Protocol is likely to receive a boost in online popularity and break even further into public consciousness. By working together Game Protocol will become the future of gaming. At Game Protocol we take our motto:  Build, Collaborate, Play seriously and believe it will be the key to our success.

